Here's Matt walking without a cane or his brace! It's blurry because he doesn't want to stop. He's only practicing this in PT right now, but as soon as he's strong enough, he can start walking around the house without the cane. Although I did come home the other day and he was on the couch with a sandwich while the cane was still in the kitchen...
Everything else is progressing as it has been - too slow for Matt. He continues to surprise me with sentences every once in a while and his vocab is still increasing. I am reminding him of less and giving fewer cues when he wants to tell his speech therapist something.
He's struggling with boredom and having rough days as a result - but at least he now realizes it and tells me later "wowee, bad day." I try to come up with ways for him to do things, but it doesn't always help - he knows I'm just trying to keep him busy and that makes him feel worse. As soon as the cane is gone for real, he says, things will be better.