Wednesday, July 14, 2010

slow and steady

I know that plateaus are fairly common in brain injury rehab and it's not as if Matt has actually stopped progressing, but it feels a little slower at this point. I think we keep waiting for a major breakthrough while being thankful for the steps he his making. He keeps getting stronger and after each long walk they take in therapy they say he looks better and more natural. I know he's walking more at home, too, and will tell me about what he saw in the woods which is quite a ways from the house.

His speech continues to improve as well and he's getting sick of me pointing out his sentences all the time. He still never believes anyone when they tell him how awesome he's doing - it's always, "oh really?" when they point out his progress. Just yesterday a hospital volunteer who sees him once a week stopped him to say how great he looked. Hopefully one of these days it will sink in...


  1. You have come so far. I know that we can't imagine your journey. But we are cheering every awesome step forward.

  2. Everyone at JP's party who knew about his accident couldn't believe that was Matt. One of our friends asked me to go around the circle of chairs and name everyone for her. I got to Matt and she said, wait a minute, is that your brother-in-law. I said yes, and she was floored. I wish he could see his progress through our eyes for just a minute! Love you and thinking of you always. Jody

  3. Hi Keri & Matt,
    Thinking of you guys today and always. I agree with the other post-ers. Progress has been incredible and remember...slow and steady wins the race. It's the journey that counts!
    Love you guys.
    Miss you
    Megan & Mark
