Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Level 4 spelling

Matt's been working really hard on generating words and building vocab and is constantly improving. But writing the words, and especially spelling them, has always alluded him. He has homework assignments that give him a letter and he has to think of a word (no problem) and then write it. For the first column on the most recent worksheet, I wrote the words. By the time we got to the second column, he wanted to write the words, but I had to point out each letter on his alphabet board. Then on the third column, I could say the letter, he'd point it out to make sure and then write it and by the end he was writing the letters as I said them without using the alphabet board. (I hope this makes sense because it was so very exciting.) He's a long ways from spelling on his own, but he's a long ways from where he was even a few weeks ago.


  1. This makes perfect sense and thank you for sharing it. Awesome work, Matt. His vocabulary is truly improving "exponentially". Also liked the title for this blog, Keri - does that bring back memories. Love, mama y papa.

  2. Hi, Matt and Keri -

    Wow - go Matt! You each are truly an inspiration, and we are still cheering from afar! Keep on keeping on.

    Thinking of you -

    Jan T. and the ISU Crew

  3. Keri and Matt! How exciting! Sounds like a huge leap ahead...

  4. More progress on another front. Your description was perfect--I was right there and choking up a little at the end. You are a dream team.
