Tuesday, March 9, 2010

All the kings' horses & all the kings' men

Matt is out of surgery and the doctor said everything went really well. We have to wait until he wakes up in recovery before we can see him. He'll stay here tonight and they'll do a follow up CT scan tomorrow morning to make sure everything looks okay and we'll probably go back to the rehab hospital sometime tomorrow. I'll post again once we get to talk to him.

Thanks for all your love and thoughts!


  1. Yeah can't wait to here more later! LOVE YAS Cindy Solem

  2. That is what I like to hear! Let us know when Matt wakes ups.

  3. sounds like all is going according to plan!
    Keri, great job of keeping all of us posted we really appreciate it!

  4. Wonderful news!!! Keep us posted!!! Was going
    to call but I thought you would be tired.

    Aunt Elaine
