Wednesday, April 14, 2010

A long day, but good news!

So after lots of phone tag and tracking down someone new to do a home evaluation, I think we got everything worked out and we are bound for home on Friday! We're supposed to have the evaluation done before Matt's discharged from here, but the people who are available to come to the house won't come until Matt is at home. Such a weird process this all is. But everyone signed off on this concession and we're leaving here late morning and meeting the evaluator at home in the afternoon. This has been a great place, but Matt is so ready for the next step...out the door!


  1. OMG!!!!!!!! We will be there with bells on!!!!!
    Love, Mom and Dad

  2. Awesome!! Very exciting!

  3. That is very exciting! Congrats!

  4. There's no place like home! That's great news!

  5. WONDERFUL NEWS!!!!!! Wishing you both a blessed
    homecoming. Hooray for modern medicine.

    Love Aunt Elaine

  6. Awesome news! I agree there is no place like home! Onward you go. Love The Solem's!!!!

  7. I've greatly appreciated you running feedback and wish Matt and you all the very best. Hope we did what you needed us to do.
    Don Shumway
