Friday, August 6, 2010

two weeks already

Time flies by even though things are feeling very slow. All I can really say about the past two weeks is that we're still here and working hard. Matt started pool therapy and has had a few sessions there and I think it's going well. He hates the cold water, but this therapy helps him focus on his muscles in a different way than does therapy on land. I think he'd like it a lot more if he had been into swimming before, but he's tolerating it for now because it seems to be helping.

Thanks for all the birthday wishes - we spent a great afternoon at a lake and had a nice break from everything stressful. Here's hoping that 32 is way better than 31 was!


  1. Here's to 32 being better than 31 (and 31 better than 30, soon)!!!
    Love you guys,

  2. Hi, Matt and Keri -

    I'll say happy belated birthday, and here's to being 32!!! (In retrospect, it was a good year...)

    I'm not talking about which birthday I had this summer (just a few days before Matt's actually....)

    Good work on keeping on keeping on - you go!

    Thinking of you,

    Jan T.

  3. Keri and Matt,
    I am suppossed to be writing the newsletter and I would rather be coming to visit you. I was web searching and found Vermont Adaptive Ski and Sports, You probably already know about it. They have an adaptative canoe and kayak program at Stoughton Pond about 1 hr from you. Thinking of you,Jody
