Sunday, July 24, 2011

Out in the woods

Matt has been walking in the woods around the farm since last year - but only on the farm road. A few weeks ago, we ventured onto a trail nearby that was almost a mile long! This hill is much steeper than it looks and Matt almost turned around before we were halfway, but then he decided to keep going and felt so great about really hiking again. One step at a time we're getting back to things we love to do.


  1. love the family photo!! jody

  2. That is a great family photo! I bet it felt good to be walking on the trail again. I know how much you 2 love the nature! Thinking of you both. Love Cindy

  3. So awesome to see the two of you looking so happy and doing what you love to do! I look forward to hearing about your next steps and think about you often.
    love Jericho
