Thursday, December 15, 2011

Getting settled

Things are finally coming along here in New York - Matt started new therapies yesterday and I think it is going to be great. Even though it is an hour away, it is a hospital that specializes in brain injuries and they are excited to be working with Matt. He has OT and speech twice a week for a month and then we'll see what happens next. He continues to improve from what we have seen and it is never too late to discount miracles with him.

Roxbury Farm is working out to be a great place to be. (I put our new address in my profile.) Matt has lots of new places to walk, more people to interact with, and we even got a draft horse, which was one of Matt's dreams for our farm before. We're still getting used to him and don't have specific work to do yet, but Matt's been practicing one-handed driving and takes Milt out with his cart. My sister & I have been logging with our mentor and we can see how Matt fell in love with working with horses in the woods. Even though he won't be in the woods any time soon, I hope he can get some part of his draft power dream back.


  1. Glad you're both getting settled in NY. We think of you often!

    ~Zac and Nicole

  2. keri and matt...glad to see you blogging again. i've been thinking about both of you and wondering how your move was going, sounds great. matt, your new therapy plan will keep you busy and i know the next time i see you, great changes will have happened. milt is a great name for your horse and i bet a pleasure to me working with. all's well here in winooski, leaving for n.y. in a couple of days, spending holiday with family, it will be fun. wishing both of you a very merry christmas and an exceptional new year. love to you. pat f.

  3. So happy for you both! Hope you had a wonderful Christmas. I did let Brandon know that I visited Aunt Bevs grave a couple weeks ago and gave her love :) I miss you terribly and even today we (my mom and I) talked about you (and Brandon) when driving by the greenhouse in Fairfax. Love you!
