Thursday, February 18, 2010

Challenging the therapists

Matt has a 'new' PT who saw him his very first day here, but had 6 weeks of leave planned starting the next day. She came back yesterday and is amazed with Matt. Today they were trying to come up with things to challenge him and decided to work on his balance.

His OT & PT were working together and first just 'bumped' his shoulders while he was standing on both feet. Since he had no trouble with that, they quickly had to make it more difficult. By the end of a half hour session, they had him standing on a gym mat with foam pieces underneath it to make it an uneven surface. Then they added in a game of catch so that he was concentrating on more than one thing. He never once had trouble keeping his balance.

This afternoon we ditched the quad cane completely - now he'll be using just a regular cane and trying to walk more throughout the day. To finish off his last session today, he walked about 100 feet with no cane at all! I think it was just as difficult mentally as it was a physical challenge, but now he knows its possible.


  1. Awesome! No cane--so happy to hear it!

  2. Hi, Keri and Matt -

    Awesome! Matt: 5000
    Therapists: 0

    (Of course, no one is keeping score, but it sure looks like Matt is winning!)

    We're cheering from afar!
    Jan T. and the ISU Crew

  3. Another report with that important word: Progress. More cheers from afar. Jim and Karen
