Sunday, February 28, 2010

Sunday evening

We all had a great weekend. Matt was up for leaving the mountain last night for the first time. We went for a short trip into town and picked up food & a movie. Today we had a big group of visitors (thanks for coming!) and Matt seemed quite content to stay awake and out of his room to spend time with everyone. It's really uplifting to spend 'ordinary' time with Matt.

We're counting down the days until Matt's surgery (next Tuesday), but he is quite worried about it. Today he told us he's anxious which was a completely new word. All of his therapists and nurses keep telling him how great he'll be and how much it will help, but it hasn't really sunk in yet.

1 comment:

  1. It's always peaceful to have "ordinary" time with family & friends. And it makes great
    memories.(even though you may have to remind him
    of them)
    The surgery date is on my mind constantly.
    Thinking of you both. Aunt Elaine
