Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Next steps

Another exciting day - Matt walked about 180 feet with just a four-legged cane! (For those of you who have visited he went from the couch in the lobby out to the hallway and then back almost all the way to the gym.)

His speech therapist was really happy with his progress today, too. Matt followed one-step directions (like point to the window) 100% and named 70% of a group of objects without any cues. Two-step directions are still too much to concentrate on, but it was amazing progress today.


  1. Keri--Have been reading the blog for a couple weeks now but have been unable to comment. Finally asked my teacher for help. I can't tell you how happy I am for you and Matt. Hard road, but you two will make it. Family love means so much. Jerry and I are praying nightly. All of you are in our thoughts. Love, Pam.

  2. Keep it up Matt. You're doing great.
    Megan & Mark
