Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Telling time

Matt was completely exhausted this afternoon. He'd been sleeping since 3 and wasn't all that thrilled with us waking him up for dinner. But somehow he always wakes up by 7:30 - time for the Simpsons!

Today we learned how to transfer from the wheelchair to the truck - Matt was pretty excited to ride in his truck again. Then he worked on walking up the stairs in the gym, which was pretty difficult, and probably the reason for him being so tired.


  1. Walking UP the stairs? That's terrific!
    Happy to hear that the Simpsons still take such priority.
    Matt, you better be careful...soon they're going to have you cleaning your own room, washing dishes, etc.
    Miss you guys.
    Megan & Mark

  2. I haven't read the blog for awhile, and I'm so happy to see the progress of the last few entries! Awesome awesome awesome!

    And I totally understand getting up for the Simpsons, no matter what else is going on.

    Thanks for the updates,

  3. remember? "leaning tower of pisa"
