Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Wednesday morning

What a difference its made for Matt to get his meds figured out! Now he's not taking the blood pressure lowering medicine and he gets a small dose of oxycodone right away in the morning. He's been wide awake and ready for therapies for 3 days in a row - and he mostly stays awake in between, too, which is something completely new. This morning he didn't even want to go back to his room after therapy so we went and sat out in the hallway.

We then had to figure out something to do while he waits for his next session. His OT had given him word searches a few weeks ago, and once we figured out that 'paint book' meant those activity sheets he was very happy. He read through a large list of words searching for 'orange' before he got tired.

There's a whole list of other small steps of progress he's made, but he's ready for therapy, so I'll post that later.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Keri

    I am hoping to visit Matt soon, maybe one day next week. Can you give me the address and what time of day would be good. Also, is there anything that I can bring for either of you when I come?

    Liz McLoughlin 973.518.0123
