Monday, December 14, 2009

Matt is in Rehab!

This is Jody again. Keri won't have computer access until tomorrow.
Matt and Keri traveled to Crotched Mountain Speciality Hospital this afternoon. Matt asked the EMT guy accompanying them to take them out for beers on the way. Tomorrow he will start rehab.! Matt's address while he is there is:
Matt Latiolais
care of Crotched Mountain Speciality Hospital
1 Verney Dr.
Greenfield, NH 03047


  1. YEAH!!!! How exciting! Everyday it just keeps getting better!! :)


  2. Congratulations on the move, Keri and Matt! Also, Keri, we'll be driving to my brother's house in NH-- literally right down the road from Crotched Mtn. next Tuesday, the 22nd. I'll touch base before we come to see if you need anything from Burlington. Love, Charley and Alison

  3. Great news!!!! Tell Matt that I will drink one
    of those beers just for him!! Ha Ha But not his brand. Mine

    Love Aunt Elaine

  4. Yeah, new digs!

    You two certainly deserve a good happy hour or three. In the meantime, we'll be toasting to you both--to a speedy recovery and knock knock joke induced laughter!

